Source code for

import copy
from typing import Callable, List, Union

import pandas as pd

from collab.foraging.toolkit.point_contribution import (
from collab.foraging.toolkit.utils import dataObject  # noqa: F401

def _generate_food_predictor(
    rewards: List[pd.DataFrame],  # one frame per t, with columns x and y
    foragers: List[pd.DataFrame],
    local_windows: List[List[pd.DataFrame]],
    predictor_name: str,
    interaction_length: Union[None, float] = None,
    decay_contribution_function: Callable = _exponential_decay,
) -> List[List[pd.DataFrame]]:

    num_foragers = len(foragers)
    num_frames = len(foragers[0])
    predictor = copy.deepcopy(local_windows)

    for f in range(num_foragers):
        for t in range(num_frames):
            if predictor[f][t] is not None:

                predictor[f][t][predictor_name] = 0

                rewards_now = rewards[t]

                #     positions = copy.deepcopy(foragersDF[foragersDF["time"] == t])
                #     positions["distance"] = np.sqrt(
                # (positions["x"] - positions.loc[positions["forager"] == f, "x"].values) ** 2
                #     + (positions["y"] - positions.loc[positions["forager"] == f, "y"].values) ** 2
                # )
                # positions.loc[positions["forager"] == f, "distance"] = np.nan

                if len(rewards_now) > 0:
                    for _, row in rewards_now.iterrows():
                        reward_x = row["x"]
                        reward_y = row["y"]

                        include_reward = True
                        if interaction_length is not None:
                            forager_x = (
                                foragers[f].loc[foragers[f]["time"] == t, "x"].values[0]
                            forager_y = (
                                foragers[f].loc[foragers[f]["time"] == t, "y"].values[0]

                            # compute distance between reward and forager
                            distance = (
                                (reward_x - forager_x) ** 2
                                + (reward_y - forager_y) ** 2
                            ) ** 0.5

                            if distance > interaction_length:
                                include_reward = False

                        if include_reward:
                            predictor[f][t][predictor_name] += _point_contribution(

                max_abs_over_grid = predictor[f][t][predictor_name].abs().max()
                if max_abs_over_grid > 0:
                    predictor[f][t][predictor_name] = (
                        predictor[f][t][predictor_name] / max_abs_over_grid

    return predictor

[docs]def generate_food_predictor(foragers_object: dataObject, predictor_name: str): """ Generates food-based predictors for a group of foragers. Food is given by the presence of rewards in the environment. The value of the predictor is proportional to the rewards in the vicinity of the forager. The decay function can be customized. Arguments: :param foragers_object: A data object containing information about the foragers, including their positions, trajectories, and local windows. Such objects can be generated using `object_from_data`. :param predictor_name: The name of the food predictor to be generated, used to fetch relevant parameters from `foragers_object.predictor_kwargs` and to store the computed values. :return: A list of lists of pandas DataFrames where each DataFrame has been updated with the computed food predictor values. Predictor-specific keyword arguments: :param interaction_length: The maximum distance at which a reward can be considered by the predictor. :param decay_contribution_function: The decay function for computing the value for each reward. The value of the food predictor will be equal to the total contribution from the individual rewards. The default value is the exponential decay function: f(dist) = exp(-decay_factor * dist). The default decay factor is 0.5, it can be customized by passing an additional `decay_factor` keyword argument. """ params = foragers_object.predictor_kwargs[predictor_name] predictor = _generate_food_predictor( foragers=foragers_object.foragers, rewards=foragers_object.rewards, local_windows=foragers_object.local_windows, predictor_name=predictor_name, **params, ) return predictor