import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collab.foraging.toolkit.utils import dataObject
def _get_grid(
grid_size: int,
sampling_fraction: float = 1.0,
random_seed: Optional[int] = 0,
grid_constraint: Optional[Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
A helper function that generates a grid of size `grid_size` with options to subsample and
apply geometric constraints.
:param grid_size: size of grid
:param sampling_fraction: fraction of grid points to keep while subsampling the grid
:param random_seed: random state (for reproducibility of subsampling)
:param grid_constraint: an optional callable that implements the desired geometric constraint.
Takes as inputs current grid and any other kwargs. Eg:
def circular_constraint_func(grid, c_x,c_y,R):
ind = ((grid["x"] - c_x) ** 2 + (grid["y"]- c_y) ** 2) < R**2
return grid.loc[ind]
:param grid_constraint_params: optional kwargs for grid_constraint
:return: computed grid, as DataFrame with "x","y" columns
# generate grid of all points
mesh = product(range(grid_size), repeat=2)
grid = pd.DataFrame(mesh, columns=["x", "y"])
# only keep accessible points
if grid_constraint is not None:
grid = grid_constraint(grid, **grid_constraint_params)
# subsample the grid
drop_ind = np.random.choice(grid.index, int(len(grid) * (1 - sampling_fraction)))
grid = grid.drop(drop_ind)
return grid
def _generate_local_windows(
foragers: List[pd.DataFrame],
grid_size: int,
window_size: float,
sampling_fraction: float = 1.0,
random_seed: int = 0,
skip_incomplete_frames: bool = False,
grid_constraint: Optional[Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]] = None,
grid_constraint_params: dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[List[pd.DataFrame]]:
A function that calculates local_windows, i.e. grid points to compute predictors over,
for each forager at each time step.
:param foragers: list of DataFrames containing forager trajectory, grouped by forager index
:param grid_size: size of grid used to discretize positional data. Note that this argument is not
exposed to users, but inherited from `foragers_object` in `generate_local_windows`
:param window_size: radius of local_windows
:param sampling_fraction: fraction of grid points to sample. It may be advisable to subsample
grid points for speed
:param random_seed: random state for subsampling
:param skip_incomplete_frames: If True, `local_windows` for *all* foragers are set to `None`
whenever tracks for *any* forager is missing. This implies that frames with incomplete
tracking would be skipped entirely from subsequent predictor/score computations. If False (default
behavior) `local_windows` are set to `None` only for the missing foragers, and computations proceed as normal
for other foragers in the frame
:param grid_constraint: Optional callable to model inaccessible points in the grid. This function takes as arguments
the grid (as a pd.DataFrame) and any additional kwargs, and returns a DataFrame of accessible grid points
:param grid_constrain_params: optional dictionary of kwargs for `grid_constraint`, to be passed to `_get_grid`
:return: Nested list of local_windows (DataFrames with "x","y" columns) grouped by forager index and time
# initialize a common grid
grid = _get_grid(
num_foragers = len(foragers)
num_frames = len(foragers[0])
f_present_frames = []
for f in range(num_foragers):
tracked_idx = foragers[f].loc[:, ["x", "y"]].notna().all(axis=1)
# identify time points where ALL foragers are present
f_present_frames_set = [set(_) for _ in f_present_frames]
all_present_frames = set.intersection(*f_present_frames_set)
# calculate local_windows for each forager
local_windows = []
for f in range(num_foragers):
# initialize local_windows_f to None
local_windows_f = [None for _ in range(num_frames)]
# find frames for which local windows need to be computed
if skip_incomplete_frames:
compute_frames = all_present_frames
compute_frames = f_present_frames[f]
for t in compute_frames:
# copy grid
g = copy.deepcopy(grid)
# calculate distance of points in g to the current position of forager f
g["distance_to_forager"] = np.sqrt(
(g["x"] - foragers[f].query("time == @t")["x"].values) ** 2
+ (g["y"] - foragers[f].query("time == @t")["y"].values) ** 2
# select grid points with distance < window_size
g = g[g["distance_to_forager"] <= window_size]
# add forager and time info to the DF
# TODO : using assign here because everything else triggers a copy on write warning. Revisit if needed.
g = g.assign(time=t)
g = g.assign(forager=f)
# update the corresponding element of local_windows_f
local_windows_f[t] = g
# add local_windows_f to local_windows
return local_windows
[docs]def generate_local_windows(foragers_object: dataObject) -> List[List[pd.DataFrame]]:
A wrapper function that calculates `local_windows` for a dataObject by calling `_generate_local_windows`
with parameters inherited from the dataObject.
:param foragers_object: dataObject containing foragers trajectory data
Must have `local_windows_kwargs` as an attribute
:return: Nested list of local_windows (DataFrames with "x","y" columns) grouped by forager index and time
The list of keyword arguments:
:param window_size: radius of local_windows. Default: 1.0
:param sampling_fraction: fraction of grid points to sample. It may be advisable to subsample
grid points for speed
:param random_seed: random state for subsampling. Default: 0
:param skip_incomplete_frames: Defaults to False. If True, `local_windows` for *all* foragers are set to `None`
whenever tracks for *any* forager is missing. This implies that frames with incomplete
tracking would be skipped entirely from subsequent predictor/score computations. If False (default
behavior) `local_windows` are set to `None` only for the missing foragers, and computations
proceed as normal for other foragers in the frame
:param grid_constraint: Optional callable to model inaccessible points in the grid.
This function takes as arguments:
the grid (as a pd.DataFrame) and any additional kwargs, and returns a DataFrame of accessible grid points
:param grid_constrain_params: optional dictionary of kwargs for `grid_constraint`, to be passed to `_get_grid`
# grab parameters specific to local_windows
params = foragers_object.local_windows_kwargs
# call hidden function with keyword arguments
local_windows = _generate_local_windows(
foragers=foragers_object.foragers, grid_size=foragers_object.grid_size, **params
return local_windows