This file is a minimal implementation of the Pyro Programming Language,
similar in spirit to the minipyro implementation shipped with Pyro.
It adapts the API of minipyro (method signatures, etc.) to use the
newer Effectful system. Like the original minipyro, this file is
independent of the rest of Pyro, with the exception of the
This implementation conforms to the pyroapi
module’s interface, which
allows effectful-minipyro to be run against pyroapi’s test suite.
This file is a minimal implementation of the Pyro Programming Language,
similar in spirit to the minipyro implementation shipped with Pyro.
It adapts the API of minipyro (method signatures, etc.) to use the
newer Effectful system. Like the original minipyro, this file is
independent of the rest of Pyro, with the exception of the
:mod:`pyro.distributions` module.
This implementation conforms to the :mod:`pyroapi` module's interface, which
allows effectful-minipyro to be run against `pyroapi`'s test suite.
import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple, Optional, OrderedDict, TypeVar, Union
from weakref import ref
import numpy as np
import pyroapi
import torch.distributions as distributions
import torch.optim
from torch import (
from torch.distributions import Distribution
from torch.distributions.constraints import Constraint
from typing_extensions import Concatenate, ParamSpec
from effectful.ops.semantics import coproduct, fwd, handler
from effectful.ops.syntax import ObjectInterpretation, defop, implements
from effectful.ops.types import Operation
P = ParamSpec("P")
T = TypeVar("T")
# Poutine has a notion of 'messages', which are dictionaries
# that are passed between handlers (or 'Messengers') in order
# to facilitate coordination and composition using "magic" slots.
# When an effect is triggered, it has a corresponding message which
# is sent up and down the effect stack.
# Effectful does not coordinate between handlers this way, but we
# can use them in order to provide the tracing functionality of minipyro
class SampleMsg:
name: str
val: Tensor
dist: Distribution
obs: Optional[Tensor]
class ParamMsg:
name: str
val: Tensor
Message = Union[ParamMsg, SampleMsg]
Trace = OrderedDict[str, Message]
class Seed(NamedTuple):
All the seeds for the random-number systems generators
used by minipyro
torch: Tensor
python: tuple
numpy: dict
# The following definitions are all `Operations`, which are functions
# whose meanings are dependent on the context.
# They have no inherent meaning, so their default implementations
# just throw `RuntimeError`s.
def sample(name: str, dist: Distribution, obs: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
raise RuntimeError("No default implementation of sample")
def param(
var_name: str,
initial_value: Optional[Union[Tensor, Callable[[], Tensor]]] = None,
constraint: Optional[Constraint] = None,
event_dim: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tensor:
raise RuntimeError("No default implementation of param")
# These next two pairs of effects of the form `set_X`/`get_X` should
# likely be implemented using `effectful.internals.State`, a built-in
# state handler.
# To keep with the minipyro API, we write them explicitly.
def clear_param_store() -> None:
raise RuntimeError("No default implementation of clear_param_store")
def get_param_store() -> dict[str, Tensor]:
raise RuntimeError("No default implementation of get_param_store")
def get_rng_seed() -> Seed:
raise RuntimeError("No default implementation of get_rng_seed")
def set_rng_seed(seed: Union[int, Seed]):
raise RuntimeError("No default implementation of get_rng_seed")
# What follows is an `Interpretation`, which is a `Mapping` from
# `Operation`s to meanings for those `Operation`s.
# It is written in the form of an `ObjectInterpretation`, which
# maps each `Operation` to a method on an `object`, allowing the
# `Operation`s to share state.
class Tracer(ObjectInterpretation):
An `Interpretation` which handles the `sample` and `param` `Operation`s,
which are immediately forwarded, but their arguments and results are recorded.
This record is the 'trace', which is stored in the `TRACE` field.
TRACE: Trace
def __init__(self):
self.TRACE = OrderedDict()
def sample(self, var_name: str, dist: Distribution, **kwargs):
# When we recieve a sample message, we don't know how to
# handle it ourselves, so we forward it to the next handler:
res: Tensor = fwd()
# Once we've seen the result, we record it, along with the argument
# that caused it
self.TRACE[var_name] = SampleMsg(
name=var_name, val=res, dist=dist, obs=kwargs.get("obs")
return res
def param(
var_name: str,
initial_value: Optional[Union[Tensor, Callable[[], Tensor]]] = None,
constraint: Optional[Constraint] = None,
event_dim: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tensor:
# Similar to `Tracer.sample`
res: Tensor = fwd()
self.TRACE[var_name] = ParamMsg(name=var_name, val=res)
return res
class Replay(ObjectInterpretation):
An `Interpretation` which takes a `Trace` as its argument.
It ensures that any call to `sample` is handled the same way it
was handled in the trace.
def __init__(self, trace: Trace):
self.trace = trace
def sample(self, var_name: str, *args, **kwargs):
if var_name in self.trace:
return fwd(var_name, *args, **{**kwargs, "obs": self.trace[var_name].val})
return fwd()
# In minipyro, `Messenger`s can only be used has handlers,
# but we have to make that choice explicit in Effectful.
# These helpers do that.
def replay(trace: Trace):
return handler(Replay(trace))
def trace():
with handler(Tracer()) as t:
yield t.TRACE
class NativeSeed(ObjectInterpretation):
This is an interpretation which handles the
`[get/set]_rng_seed` operations.
It also provides a base case for `sample`.
def get_rng_seed(self):
return Seed(
def set_rng_seed(self, seed: Union[int, Seed]):
if isinstance(seed, int):
return fwd()
def sample(self, name: str, dist: Distribution, obs=None, **kwargs):
assert isinstance(name, str)
if obs is not None:
return obs
return dist.rsample() if dist.has_rsample else dist.sample()
def seed(seed: int):
`contextmanager` for installing/uninstalling a seed value.
Helpful for fixing an RNG state when calling a model.
old_seed = get_rng_seed()
class NativeParam(ObjectInterpretation):
Provides a base implementation for the `param` `Operation`.
Stores the parameter store in the `PARAM_STORE` field, which
are accessible through the `get_param_store` and `clear_param_store`
def __init__(self, initial_store=None):
self.PARAM_STORE = initial_store or {}
def param(
name: str,
initial_value: Union[Tensor, None, Callable[[], Tensor]] = None,
constraint: Constraint = distributions.constraints.real,
event_dim: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tensor:
if event_dim is not None:
raise RuntimeError("minipyro.plate does not support the event_dim arg")
def fn(init_value, constraint):
if name in self.PARAM_STORE:
unconstrained_value, constraint = self.PARAM_STORE[name]
# Initialize with a constrained value.
assert init_value is not None
with no_grad():
constrained_value = init_value.detach()
unconstrained_value = distributions.transform_to(constraint).inv(
self.PARAM_STORE[name] = unconstrained_value, constraint
# Transform from unconstrained space to constrained space.
constrained_value = distributions.transform_to(constraint)(
constrained_value.unconstrained = ref(unconstrained_value)
return constrained_value
# Forward our value to any potential upstream transformations
return fn(initial_value, constraint)
def get_param_store(self):
return self.PARAM_STORE
def clear_param_store(self):
class Plate(ObjectInterpretation):
An `Interpretation` which automatically broadcasts the `sample` `Operation`
def __init__(self, name: str, size: int, dim: Optional[int]):
if dim is None:
raise ValueError("mini-pyro requires the `dim` argument to `plate`") = name
self.size = size
self.dim = dim
def do_sample(self, sampled_name: str, dist: Distribution, **kwargs) -> Tensor:
batch_shape = list(dist.batch_shape)
if len(batch_shape) < -self.dim or batch_shape[self.dim] != self.size:
batch_shape = [1] * (-self.dim - len(batch_shape)) + list(batch_shape)
batch_shape[self.dim] = self.size
return sample(sampled_name, dist.expand(Size(batch_shape)))
return fwd()
# Helper for using `Plate` as a `handler`
def plate(name: str, size: int, dim: Optional[int] = None):
return handler(Plate(name, size, dim))
# This is the "default runner", which contains the base implementations
# of `sample` and `param`.
# These must be installed (using `handler`) before running a minipyro
# program.
default_runner = coproduct(NativeSeed(), NativeParam())
def block(
hide_fn: Callable[Concatenate[Operation, object, P], bool] = lambda *_, **__: True
Block is a helper for masking out a subset of calls to either
`sample` or `param`.
Whenever `sample` or `param` are called, `hide_fn` is called with the operation
and its arguments. If `hide_fn` returns true, then the operation is "blocked",
and interpreted directly by the `default_runner`. Otherwise, they are handled
def blocking(op: Operation, *args, **kwargs):
if hide_fn(op, *args, **kwargs):
with handler(default_runner):
return op(*args, **kwargs)
return fwd()
return handler({sample: partial(blocking, sample), param: partial(blocking, param)}) # type: ignore
# This is a thin wrapper around the `torch.optim.Adam` class that
# dynamically generates optimizers for dynamically generated parameters.
# See
class Adam:
def __init__(self, optim_args):
self.optim_args = optim_args
# Each parameter will get its own optimizer, which we keep track
# of using this dictionary keyed on parameters.
self.optim_objs = {}
def __call__(self, params):
for param in params:
# Create an optimizer if one does not exist for this parameter
if param not in self.optim_objs:
self.optim_objs[param] = torch.optim.Adam([param], **self.optim_args)
# Take one optimizer step
# This is a unified interface for stochastic variational inference in Pyro.
# The actual construction of the loss is taken care of by `loss`.
# See
class SVI:
def __init__(self, model, guide, optim, loss):
self.model = model = guide
self.optim = optim
self.loss = loss
# This method handles running the model and guide, constructing the loss
# function, and taking a gradient step.
def step(self, *args, **kwargs):
# This wraps both the call to `model` and `guide` in a `trace` so that
# we can record all the parameters that are encountered. Note that
# further tracing occurs inside of `loss`.
with trace() as param_capture:
# We use block here to allow tracing to record parameters only.
with block(hide_fn=lambda op, *_, **__: op == sample):
loss = self.loss(self.model,, *args, **kwargs)
# Differentiate the loss.
# Grab all the parameters from the trace.
params = [site.val.unconstrained() for site in param_capture.values()]
# Take a step w.r.t. each parameter in params.
# Zero out the gradients so that they don't accumulate.
for p in params:
p.grad = zeros_like(p)
return loss.item()
# This is a basic implementation of the Evidence Lower Bound, which is the
# fundamental objective in Variational Inference.
# See for details.
# This implementation has various limitations (for example it only supports
# random variables with reparameterized samplers), but all the ELBO
# implementations in Pyro share the same basic logic.
def elbo(model, guide, *args, **kwargs):
# Run the guide with the arguments passed to SVI.step() and trace the execution,
# i.e. record all the calls to Pyro primitives like sample() and param().
with trace() as guide_trace:
guide(*args, **kwargs)
# Now run the model with the same arguments and trace the execution. Because
# model is being run with replay, whenever we encounter a sample site in the
# model, instead of sampling from the corresponding distribution in the model,
# we instead reuse the corresponding sample from the guide. In probabilistic
# terms, this means our loss is constructed as an expectation w.r.t. the joint
# distribution defined by the guide.
with trace() as model_trace:
with replay(guide_trace):
model(*args, **kwargs)
# We will accumulate the various terms of the ELBO in `elbo`.
elbo = 0.0
# Loop over all the sample sites in the model and add the corresponding
# log p(z) term to the ELBO. Note that this will also include any observed
# data, i.e. sample sites with the keyword `obs=...`.
for site in model_trace.values():
if isinstance(site, SampleMsg):
elbo = elbo + site.dist.log_prob(site.val).sum()
# Loop over all the sample sites in the guide and add the corresponding
# -log q(z) term to the ELBO.
for site in guide_trace.values():
if isinstance(site, SampleMsg):
elbo = elbo - site.dist.log_prob(site.val).sum()
# Return (-elbo) since by convention we do gradient descent on a loss and
# the ELBO is a lower bound that needs to be maximized.
return -elbo
# This is a wrapper for compatibility with full Pyro.
def Trace_ELBO(**kwargs):
return elbo
"infer": "docs.source.minipyro",
"optim": "docs.source.minipyro",
"pyro": "docs.source.minipyro",
def example():
The following is a short script showing how to use effectful-minipyro.
It is taken from a larger battery of tests available as part of the `pyro-api package <>`_.
def model(data):
p = param("p", torch.tensor(0.5))
sample("x", distributions.Bernoulli(p), obs=data)
def guide(data):
with handler(default_runner):
data = torch.tensor(0.0)
elbo = Trace_ELBO(ignore_jit_warnings=True)
optimizer = Adam({"lr": 1e-6})
inference = SVI(model, guide, optimizer, elbo)
for _ in range(2):
if __name__ == "__main__":