Backdoor adjustment



Here, we install the necessary Pytorch, Pyro, and ChiRho dependencies for this example.

%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%pdb off

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TypeVar

import os
import torch
import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pytorch_lightning as pl

from pyro.nn import PyroModule, PyroSample
from pyro.poutine import replay, trace

from pyro.infer.autoguide import AutoDelta,  AutoNormal
from pyro.infer import SVI, Predictive

from chirho.counterfactual.handlers import MultiWorldCounterfactual
from chirho.indexed.ops import IndexSet, gather
from chirho.interventional.handlers import do
from chirho.observational.handlers import condition


smoke_test = ('CI' in os.environ)
max_epochs = 10 if smoke_test else 1000
num_samples = 10 if smoke_test else 10000

Automatic pdb calling has been turned OFF

Overview: Systematically adjusting for observed confounding

Task: Treatment effect estimation with observational data

In this example, we are interested in estimating how changes (or interventions) to a particular treatment variable \(T\) influence a particular outcome variable \(Y\). We wish to estimate this causal effect using observational (non-randomized) data from \(T\), \(Y\), and some collection of covariates \(X = \{X_1, ..., X_d\}\).

In this example we’ll assume that \(T\) is a binary random variable, but the concepts carry over exactly when \(T\) is continuous or discrete-ordinal.

Challenge: Confounding

Unfortunately, naively estimating the effect of an intervention by simply approximating \(P(Y|T)\) alone may produce poor estimates of \(T\)’s effect on \(Y\). In these kinds of observational settings, some collection of variables \(Z = \{Z_1, ..., Z_{d'}\}\) may influence both \(T\) and \(Y\), resulting in a statistical dependence that is not reflective of the causal effect we are interested in estimating. These variables are called “confounders”, and pose a serious problem for drawing causal conclusions from observational data.

Assumptions: All confounders observed

In this example we assume that all confounders between \(T\) and \(Y\) are observed. In other words, \(Z \subseteq X\).

For technical reasons that are out of scope of this tutorial [Cinelli et. al., 2020], we also assume that no elements of \(X\) are common effects of \(T\) and \(Y\), nor are they influenced by any sets of variables \(U_1\), \(U_2\) such that \(U_1\) influences \(T\) and \(U_2\) influences \(Y\). This somewhat more technical assumption avoids the possibility of “collider bias”, also sometimes refered to as “Berkson’s paradox”. See for more discussion of Berkson’s paradox.

Intuition: Statistically adjusting for confounding

If all of the confounders are observed, then we can imagine partitioning our data instances into subsets of instances that have similar values of \(X\) and then estimating the statistical dependence between \(T\) and \(Y\) within each subset of instances. Because we’ve assumed that \(X\) contains all possible confounders, then any remaining statistical dependence must be attributable to \(T\)’s influence on \(Y\). To yield a population-averaged effect estimate, we simply take a weighted average of these subgroup effect estimates where the weights are given by the (estimated) marginal probability of \(X\).

Importantly, this “matching” description provides an intuition about how the assumptions result in unbiased statistical inferences of the effect of \(T\) on \(Y\). In practice, it is often very hard to partition data into explicit subsets of similar units, especially if \(X\) is high dimensional. ChiRho’s approach, in which counterfactual outcomes are imputed using a Bayesian model, also produces unbiased estimates, albeit in a less immediately intuitive way.

Example: Evaluating the impact of a job training program


As a working example, consider the scenario where \(T\) represents whether an individual did (\(T=1\)) or didn’t (\(T=0\)) participate in a job training program, and \(Y\) represents their earnings 2 years later. In addition to these measurements, we also gather a collection of covariates \(X\) describing each individual’s attributes, including academic background, previous earnings, etc.


Understanding the effect of the job training program on earnings 2 years later may be useful for policymakers who may wish to provide more funding for programs in the future. Providing new funding acts like a kind of intervention, as it changes the mechanism by which individuals choose whether to participate in a job training program. See our Introductory Tutorial for a more in-depth discussion of the difference between association and intervention.


This scenario (and the data we’ll use later) come from a real study by Robert Lalonde on the efficacy of training programs, and has become a de facto example for causal inference with observational data [LaLonde, 1986].

# Load the data
data = pd.read_csv(DATA_URL)

# Convert the data to the right format
data["re75"] = data["re75"] / 1000
# Add a small constant to avoid log(0) in the model
data["re78"] = data["re78"] / 1000 + 1e-6
data = data.rename(columns={"educ": "education", "hispan": "hispanic"})

# Define the covariates
covariates_names = ["education", "age", "re75", "black", "hispanic", "married", "nodegree"]

# Extract treatment, covariates and earnings from the dataframe
df = data[["treat", *covariates_names, "re78"]]

# Convert to tensors
covariates_obs = torch.tensor(df[covariates_names].values).float()
training_obs = torch.tensor(df["treat"].values).float()
earnings_obs = torch.tensor(df["re78"].values).float()
# Visualize the data
sns.pairplot(df[["treat", "education", "age", "re75", "re78"]], hue="treat", diag_kind="hist")
/home/rafal/anaconda3/envs/chirho/lib/python3.11/site-packages/seaborn/ UserWarning: The figure layout has changed to tight
  self._figure.tight_layout(*args, **kwargs)
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f3bb0aecc10>
# Evaluate what our answer would be if we just naively predicted the average earnings of treated and untreated individuals,
# without accounting for the potential confounders.
treated_individuals = df[df["treat"] == 1]
untreated_individuals = df[df["treat"] == 0]

naive_prediction = (treated_individuals["re78"].mean() - untreated_individuals["re78"].mean())

Causal Probabilistic Program

Our causal assumptions can be encoded as a probabilistic program in Pyro. Here, unlike in the Tutorial, we’ll write a probabilistic program in a single pass that includes the causal relationships between attributes and the priors over parameters.

Model Description

As our assumptions are relatively straightforward, they can be codified entirely in the ordering of random variables in our causal probabilistic program. Specifically, we have written our causal_model method below such that covariates influence training and earnings, and training influences earnings. To align this model with the specific parametric assumptions used in our case study [LaLonde, 1986], we have chosen to use a logistic function to describe the mechanism for generating training random variables, and a linear Gaussian model for generating earnings.

Prior Description

In order to represent our uncertainty over causal models, we place Normal, HalfCauchy, and LKJCholesky priors on each of the 8 parameters used in our causal_model. For each, we choose the prior based on the desired support of the parameter. E.g. variances are strictly positive, therefore we choose a HalfCauchy distribution.

class BayesianBackdoor(PyroModule):
    zero: torch.Tensor
    one: torch.Tensor

    def __init__(self, d_covariates=7):
        self.d_covariates = d_covariates
        self.register_buffer("zero", torch.tensor(0.))
        self.register_buffer("one", torch.tensor(1.))
        self.register_buffer("loc_covariates_loc", torch.tensor([10., 35., 15.] + [1.] * (self.d_covariates - 3)))

    def loc_covariates(self):
        return dist.Normal(self.loc_covariates_loc,

    def variances_covariates(self):
        return dist.HalfCauchy([self.d_covariates]).to_event(1)

    def lower_cholesky_covariates(self):
        return dist.LKJCholesky(self.d_covariates,

    def weights_training(self):
        return dist.Normal(, 1. / self.loc_covariates_loc[..., None]).expand([self.d_covariates, 1]).to_event(2)

    def bias_training(self):
        return dist.Normal(, * 10.).expand([1]).to_event(1)

    def weights_earnings(self):
        return dist.Normal(, 1. / self.loc_covariates_loc[..., None]).expand([self.d_covariates, 2]).to_event(2)

    def bias_earnings(self):
        return dist.Normal(, * 10.).expand([2]).to_event(1)

    def variance_earnings(self):
        return dist.HalfCauchy( * 10.).expand([2]).to_event(1)

    def forward(self):

        # Sample covariates from a multivariate normal distribution
        scale_tril = torch.diag_embed(self.variances_covariates.sqrt()) @ self.lower_cholesky_covariates
        covariates = pyro.sample("covariates", dist.MultivariateNormal(self.loc_covariates, scale_tril=scale_tril))

        # Sample training (treatment) from a logistic function of the covariates
        logit_training = torch.einsum("...a,...ab->...b", covariates, self.weights_training) + self.bias_training
        training = (pyro.sample("training", dist.Bernoulli(torch.special.expit(logit_training[..., 0])))).long()

        # Sample earnings (outcome) from a linear Gaussian function of the covariates and the treatment
        loc_earnings = torch.einsum("...a,...ab->...b", covariates, self.weights_earnings) + self.bias_earnings
        loc_earnings = torch.where(training == 1, loc_earnings[..., 1], loc_earnings[..., 0])
        variance_earnings = torch.where(training == 1, self.variance_earnings[..., 1], self.variance_earnings[..., 0])
        earnings = pyro.sample("earnings", dist.FoldedDistribution(dist.Normal(loc_earnings, variance_earnings)))

        return covariates, training, earnings

class ConditionedBayesianBackdoor(PyroModule):

    def __init__(self, causal_model: BayesianBackdoor, n: Optional[int] = None):
        self.causal_model = causal_model
        self.n = n

    def forward(self, covariates_obs=None, training_obs=None, earnings_obs=None):

        n = covariates_obs.shape[0] if covariates_obs is not None else self.n


        with pyro.plate("data", n, dim=-1):
            with condition(data={"covariates": covariates_obs, "training": training_obs, "earnings": earnings_obs}):
                return self.causal_model()

bayesian_backdoor = ConditionedBayesianBackdoor(BayesianBackdoor())
pyro.render_model(bayesian_backdoor, model_args=(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs))
/home/rafal/anaconda3/envs/chirho/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/ UserWarning: Can't initialize NVML
  warnings.warn("Can't initialize NVML")

Informal Prior Predictive Check - Visualizing Samples

As this model involved several priors over multiple parameters, it is helpful to probe some implications of these modeling decisions on the induced distribution over individual attributes. As we always expect to be conditioning on covariates in our analyses, we only focus on sampling from the prior distribution on training and earnings random variables conditional on the observed covariates_obs.

def plot_predictive(model, covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs, guide=None, compare_source=True):

    if guide:
        guide_tr = trace(guide).get_trace(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs)
        model_tr = trace(replay(model, trace=guide_tr)).get_trace(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs)
        model_tr = trace(model).get_trace(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs)

    covariates = model_tr.nodes['covariates']['value']
    training = model_tr.nodes['training']['value'][:, None]

    earnings = model_tr.nodes['earnings']['value'][..., :, None]

    samples = torch.concat((training, covariates, earnings), dim=1).detach().numpy()

    predictive_df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=["treat", *covariates_names, "re78"]).astype({"treat":"int8"})

    data_copy = df.copy()
    data_copy["source"] = "data"

    predictive_copy = predictive_df.copy()
    predictive_copy["source"] = "predictive"

    if compare_source:
        # Note that `.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)` shuffles the rows to minimize overplotting problems
        sns.pairplot(pd.concat((data_copy, predictive_copy), ignore_index=True)[["treat", "education", "age", "re75", "re78", "source"]].sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True), hue="source", diag_kind="hist", plot_kws=dict(alpha=0.5))
        sns.pairplot(predictive_df[["treat", "education", "age", "re75", "re78"]], hue="treat", diag_kind="hist")
plot_predictive(bayesian_backdoor, covariates_obs, None, None)
/home/rafal/anaconda3/envs/chirho/lib/python3.11/site-packages/seaborn/ UserWarning: The figure layout has changed to tight
  self._figure.tight_layout(*args, **kwargs)

Causal Query: average treatment effect (ATE)

In this setting we wish to compute the average treatment effect, \(ATE = \mathbb{E}[Y=1|do(T=1)] - \mathbb{E}[Y=1|do(T=0)]\). The do notation indicates that the expectations are taken according to intervened versions of the model, with \(T\) set to a particular value. Note from our tutorial that this is different from conditioning on \(T\) in the original causal_model, which assumes \(X\) and \(T\) are dependent.

In words, in this setting the ATE tells us how much greater the salaries across all individuals if we forced everyone to participate in the job training program relative to if we forced everyone to not participate in the job training program. Here, we are interested in the average over the entire population. Other estimands, such as the conditional average treatment effect, may be interested in the average effect for individuals with particular attributes of interest.

To implement this query in ChiRho we extend our BayesianBackdoor model by applying two interventions, do(actions={"training":0}) and do(actions={"training":1}), and then sampling jointly from counterfactual worlds using the MultiWorldCounterfactual handler. Recall from the tutorial that the MultiWorldCounterfactual handler modifies the execution of the causal model to sample jointly from the observational and all counterfactual worlds induced by an intervention.

class BayesianBackdoorSATE(pyro.nn.PyroModule):

    def __init__(self, causal_model: BayesianBackdoor):
        self.conditioned_model = ConditionedBayesianBackdoor(causal_model)

    def forward(self, covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs):

        # Sample jointly from observational and counterfactual distributions
        with MultiWorldCounterfactual(), do(actions={"training": 1. - training_obs}):
            _, _, earnings = self.conditioned_model(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs)

            # Evaluate the sample average treatment effect
            earnings_cf = gather(earnings, IndexSet(training={1}))
            earnings_f = gather(earnings, IndexSet(training={0}))
            earnings_1 = torch.where(training_obs == 1, earnings_f, earnings_cf)
            earnings_0 = torch.where(training_obs == 0, earnings_f, earnings_cf)
            ites = earnings_1 - earnings_0
            return pyro.deterministic("SATE", torch.mean(ites, dim=-1, keepdim=True), event_dim=0)

bayesian_backdoor_sate = BayesianBackdoorSATE(BayesianBackdoor())
pyro.render_model(bayesian_backdoor_sate, model_args=(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs))

Causal Inference as Probabilistic Inference

In this section we show the use of Pyro’s automated stochastic variational inference tools to solve our causal inference problem. Specifically, we fit an AutoLowRankMultivariateNormal approximation to the joint posterior distribution on model parameters given observed data. We will then use this approximate posterior to impute the counterfactual earnings for each individual and compute our estimate of the ATE.

class LightningSVI(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self, elbo: pyro.infer.elbo.ELBOModule, **optim_params):
        self.optim_params = dict(optim_params)
        self.elbo = elbo

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        return torch.optim.Adam(self.elbo.parameters(), **self.optim_params)

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        return self.elbo(*batch)

# Fit a guide to the posterior distribution for the observed data only
model = bayesian_backdoor_sate.conditioned_model

guide = pyro.infer.autoguide.AutoLowRankMultivariateNormal(model)
elbo = pyro.infer.Trace_ELBO(num_particles=100, vectorize_particles=True)
elbo = elbo(model, guide)

# initialize parameters
elbo(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs)

# fit parameters
batch_size = covariates_obs.shape[0]
train_dataset =, training_obs, earnings_obs)
train_dataloader =, batch_size=batch_size)
svi = LightningSVI(elbo, lr=0.1)
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=max_epochs, log_every_n_steps=1, accelerator="cpu"), train_dataloaders=train_dataloader)
GPU available: False, used: False
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
/home/rafal/anaconda3/envs/chirho/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/connectors/logger_connector/ Starting from v1.9.0, `tensorboardX` has been removed as a dependency of the `pytorch_lightning` package, due to potential conflicts with other packages in the ML ecosystem. For this reason, `logger=True` will use `CSVLogger` as the default logger, unless the `tensorboard` or `tensorboardX` packages are found. Please `pip install lightning[extra]` or one of them to enable TensorBoard support by default

  | Name | Type       | Params
0 | elbo | ELBOModule | 610
610       Trainable params
0         Non-trainable params
610       Total params
0.002     Total estimated model params size (MB)
/home/rafal/anaconda3/envs/chirho/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/connectors/ The 'train_dataloader' does not have many workers which may be a bottleneck. Consider increasing the value of the `num_workers` argument` to `num_workers=7` in the `DataLoader` to improve performance.
`` stopped: `max_epochs=1000` reached.
# Visualize posterior predictive sample
plot_predictive(bayesian_backdoor, covariates_obs, training_obs, None, guide=guide)


Here, we compare the results of our probabilistic programming approach compared with a standard implementation of linear regression for causal inference (described in this blog post).

blog_prediction_ols = 1548.24 / 1000 # Scaled by 1000 to be consistent with data preprocessing above.
blog_prediction_matching = 1027.087 / 1000
blog_prediction_matching_ci95 = [-705.131 / 1000, 2759.305 / 1000]

predictive = pyro.infer.Predictive(bayesian_backdoor_sate, guide=guide, num_samples=num_samples, parallel=False)
mf_prediction = predictive(covariates_obs, training_obs, earnings_obs)["SATE"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.hist(mf_prediction.squeeze(), bins=100, color="blue", label="our estimate")
ax.vlines(naive_prediction, 0, 50, color="red", label="naive estimate")
ax.vlines(blog_prediction_ols, 0, 50, color="green", label="OLS estimate")
ax.vlines(blog_prediction_matching, 0, 50, color="orange", label="matching estimate")
ax.vlines(blog_prediction_matching_ci95, 0, 50, color="orange", linestyles="dashed", label="matching estimate 95% confidence")
ax.set(xlabel="ATE estimate", ylabel="Frequency")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f17ac553d00>

Here, we can clearly see that our approximate inference closely agrees with prior results using a simple linear regression and sample matching, and all differ substantially from the naive estimate that simply ignores covariates altogether: where the naive estimate finds a negative effect (i.e. participating in the training program reduced earnings on average!), the estimates that control for covariates find a positive effect.

Unfortunately for the job training program being studied, the more optimistic linear regression estimator does a poor job at controlling for covariates, and as a result it is overconfident in its predictions on what is ultimately a very small and noisy dataset. To illustrate this, we also include the 95% confidence interval for the matching estimate. While this frequentist confidence interval is not directly comparable to our Bayesian posterior distribution, both uncertainty estimates suggest that the effect is likely smaller and less statistically significant than was originally believed.


Cinelli, Carlos, Andrew Forney, and Judea Pearl. “A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls.” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020.

LaLonde, Robert J. “Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data.” The American Economic Review 76, no. 4 (1986): 604–20.